FC2: Specialist Looking for New Applications
Press releases
Frequency converter for up to eight spindles
The compact and low-cost frequency converter FC2 allows sensorless operation of up to eight high-speed spindles. The highly-specialized device was developed with focus on PCB drilling and routing. However, thanks to its construction, the device is also interesting for other applications.
The FC2 by SIEB & MEYER is a frequency converter with a controlled DC link and pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) which enables the operation of asynchronous spindles with speeds of up to 500,000 rpm and an output current of up to 33.6 A @ 220 VAC. The latter is for example required for PCB drilling machines. FC2 makes parallel operation of several spindles with one converter possible, which saves costs compared to converters for only one spindle. "The device topology with a controlled DC link also makes the frequency converter attractive for other applications which require several asynchronous spindles or motors for parallel operations," explained Torsten Blankenburg, CTO at SIEB & MEYER AG. "Furthermore, the FC2 can be adjusted individually to customer requirements."
Other features of these converters are communication via EtherCAT, low voltage load on the motor insulation and easy parameterization by means of V/f characteristic curve. Users also benefit from the low motor heating and dynamic speed control. Converter parameters are adjusted automatically via parameter switching/spindle selection depending on the selected spindles. FC2 can evaluate up to eight speed and temperature sensors, which reduces external components.